Our Plans
Our plans bring together proven technologies in an innovative way to recover energy from waste and use as many of the by-products as possible.

We are currently preparing a Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park, which would be located at Flixborough Industrial Estate.
Since the last stage of consultation, the plans have evolved to take into account your feedback.

These images of the North Lincolnshire Green Energy are artist’s impressions of the current illustrative design of the proposed development and will be subject to change during this iterative process.
Due to the nature and scale of the North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park, its final design will only be completed in the event of a Development Consent Order (DCO) being granted. The proposed development is defined at this stage by a series of maximum parameters within which the final design will be fine-tuned. The illustrative design you see in the consultation materials suggests how the future final design might be realised within those maximum parameters.
It will also inform the development of a series of Design Codes. A design code is a set of design rules that are applied to ensure that the completed detailed design remains appropriate.

The way the project interacts with people, the landscape, water and the local environment has been a key consideration for our design. Beyond supplying low-carbon energy, we want the North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park to leave a positive legacy.
Highlights of our approach include:
Helping enhance biodiversity by providing habitats for nature including a new wetland landscape with a variety of habitats
Woodland planting to create corridors for wildlife
New walking and cycling routes providing circular trails
A new walking and cycle way safely connecting Scunthorpe with Neap House and the Flixborough Industrial Estate
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If you want to be kept updated on our plans for North Lincolnshire Green Energy Park, fill in your details below.